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Harland & Poston Group is a privately owned group that shelters strong and self-made brands in the areas of real estate, investments, property management and travel.

Our group of companies work with trustworthy partners which offer the advantage of freely marketing businesses on a worldwide scale, always having our clients’ investment interests in mind; hence, our values fall into being transparent, business-driven, resilient and flexible, as we believe that thinking long-term, is the key to our growth and success!
All the Harland & Poston Group clients testify to the highly competent and winning teams that serve our clients’ best interests now and in the future.

Our vision is to operate from Lisbon to the world, connecting and cross-selling our business solutions, achieving the best possible outcome for the global client that chooses us.
Harland & Poston is a privately owned group of self-made brands in the areas of real estate, investments, property management and travel.

Our group of companies are trustworthy partners that offer the advantage of being able to freely sell and market businesses on a worlwide scale, always having our client’s best investment interests in mind. Hence, our values fall into being transparent, ROI/business driven, resilient and flexible, as we believe that thinking in a long-term way is the key to all our businesses growth and success!
All the Harland & Poston Group clients testify about the highly competent and challenging winning teams that serve our client’s best interests now and in the future.

Our vision is to operate from Lisbon to the world. To connect and cross-sell our business solutions, achieving the best possible outcome for the global client that chooses us.
Brand values
This is our Harland & Poston Group logo! We believe it transmits our values of Trustfulness, Resiliency, Stability and Durability through a typography-based logo, featuring a carefully picked font, sleek and modern, combined with a sober and solid colour scheme.
Main Colors
Web: #1E2931 | R: 30 G:41 B:49 | C: 82% Y: 68% M: 57% K: 63%
Web: #9294A1 | R: 146 G:148 B:161 | C: 46% Y: 37% M: 28% K: 1%
Web: #C3922E | R: 195 G:146 B:46 | C: 24% Y: 42% M: 99% K: 3%
Web: #000000 | R: 0 G:0 B:0 | C: 100% Y: 100% M: 100% K: 100%

Web: #1E2931
R: 30 G:41 B:49
C: 46% Y: 37% M: 28% K: 1%

Web: #9294A1
R: 146 G:148 B:161
C: 46% Y: 37% M: 28% K: 1%

Web: #000000
R: 0 G:0 B:0
C: 100% Y: 100% M: 100% K: 100%

Web: #9294A1
R: 146 G:148 B:161
C: 46% Y: 37% M: 28% K: 1%
Brand Guide
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Harland & Poston Group - logotipo